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Barnes & Noble are restocked!

September 27, 2014

They've just received their shipment and already they are down to only 143 copies of THE LIBRARY ROOM after filling their back orders. ORDER NOW so you'll have your Holiday reading material and gifts... Speaking of gifts, this wholesome novel makes a perfect gift for your loved ones ages 16 and older.



Casting call:(volunteer position)

Looking to create a small group of 7 - 9 people to experience the interactive guide of The Library Room as a group, be recorded on video, to use parts of it in a commercial movie trailer. There will be no scripts to memorize - it will strictly be your opinions to questions as if you were in The Library Room yourself with the book characters, Loren, Rachel, Drew, Collin, Sarah, Jessica, and Amy.

Contact me via the contact page on this site if you'd like to partake in this adventure once a week for four weeks.

Each participant will be given a free copy of The Library Room AND Professor Finkel's Assignment (The Interactive Guide to The Library Room.)

The ideal goal is to have a diverse blend of different religions, different ages, different positive minded beliefs, so we may learn from each other in a non-confrontational environment.

If you are interested in participating in this project please private message me with:
1. your choice of location, Middlefield, Bainbridge, Mayfield, or Mentor,(ALL are NE OHIO)
2. what day of the week would work best for you,
3. if you'd prefer mornings, afternoons, or evenings,
4. religious background/culture/denomination 
Must not be camera shy and be willing to share personal experiences with the world.

Must be willing to start Mid-Late September.

FYI Background: The interactive guide mostly covers the religious beliefs of Judaism, and Christianity, with no right or wrong answers - HOWEVER, all beliefs are welcomed - there may be times where the material may feel slanted toward one or the other but then the next time it will be reversed. If you'd like to learn more about one or the other without feeling pressured into accepting one or the other please consider participating.




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